Monday, July 25, 2011

Dance for Him

Oh Mom, I wanted this one chance

To be one chosen here to dance.

I prayed my name was on the list

but I was one who was dismissed.

My pirouette was flawless

My hair the perfect style,

I looked the judges in the eye

And did my polka with a smile.

I watched as others made mistakes

While I remembered every stance.

But the other girls were chosen

So today I will not dance.

Why did God not hear my prayer?

My request was very clear.

I did my part to do my best

And still he did not hear.

I dare not think His love for me

Is less than all the rest,

But still I will not dance today

He has denied my one request.

My darling dancing daughter,

God heard your whispered prayer.

He loves you like the others.

Please don't think God doesn't care.

God wants to make you stronger

To build your character and depth.

I am sure that He was with you

And shed his own tears as you you wept.

He feels your hurt and sorrow

And he's there to ease your pain.

He'll burn within your soul

to give you strength to try again.

From now on you'll practice harder,

Until you'll ache from every limb...

You may not dance today, dear one.

But someday you'll dance for Him.

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